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Kindergarten Gradual Entry Schedule September 2024

Hi Kindergarten families,

I am excited to share with you the gradual entry schedule for your child starting Kindergarten at Kingswood in September.  We are so happy to have you joining us!

Please see attached and also posted on our website the following:

1.  Kingswood Kindergarten Letter for gradual entry with the Welcome to Kindergarten conversation starters

2.  Gradual Entry Schedule--Families received an individual email sharing if their child was in Group A or Group B.

3.  Gradual Entry Pamphlet

We look forward to seeing you in September.  The school office is closed as of Friday, July 5th and  will reopen on Monday, August 26h, 2024. Please contact us via email or call the school when we reopen. Have a very relaxing and restful summer.  

Thank you, 

Ms. Rooney


Updated: Friday, July 5, 2024