Social Emotional Learning Focus--Student Scanning and What is it Telling Us?
In late Spring, 2022, we scanned our students once more to see what common themes arose around Social Emotional Learning. Intermediates did an online survey, with questions such as, "Do you feel cared for at school? Can you name two or more adults you believe care about you? How do you know, why do you feel this way?" Resoundingly, 99.5 percent said that yes, they strongly felt that two or more adults cared about them, and most students could name five or more adults. Our staff work hard to connect with their students, and to establish relationships. It was heartwarming that most students felt cared for by others than only their classroom teachers--they also named support staff/non-enrolling teachers, our Noon Hour Supervisors, counsellor, our office administrative assistant, our Education Assistant staff, our Speech and Language Pathologist, district staff, and their school administrator.
We surveyed all of our primary classes as well as our intermediate students with various questions, but specifically, "What are the common values that we hope all of our Kingswood Eagles share?" Common language around schoolwide expectations lends itself to a sense of safety, community and identity.